| Growing Group Grotto |

Growers Grotto

Visit Santa, pick a carrot for reindeers and meet elves this December at the 1st Winchburgh Wonderland in Auldcathie Park!

Fully booked for 1pm - 3pm & 4pm - 6pm sessions

FULLY BOOKED! You must show an e-ticket to enter...

What to expect

Santa, Mrs Claus and elves will be located inside the Growers wooden clad Grotto - Come and meet them and grab a photo inside plus a free present for every child (selection box) and a chance to win a £20 voucher for best picture!  2 sessions on the day: 1pm - 3pm & evening event 4pm - 6pm (ALL SOLD OUT) Saturday 17th December...

Pet friendly so bring your pooch too (kept on lead)

+ Cabin transformed into a real grotto

+ Carol singers / Christmas music

+ Snow machine giving a real winter feel

+ Giant inflatables and decorations ideal for photos

+ Pick a carrot out of the xmas planter for Rudolf on Christmas eve

Zac & Co providing Christmas catering in the growing area's gazebo!

Ticket ONLY event so every child will get to meet Santa

Winchburgh Wonderland as the area is transformed for one magical day

Grotto / area lights up along with community forever Christmas tree

Don't forget...

Golden tickets to be won with best pictures #WinchburghCGG

Two sessions 1-3 & evening 4-6pm

Be part of the first event in the Growers Grotto

FREE event but any small donation welcome to help us grow next year

Tickets gone within 48 hours of release!

(limited numbers available)


Pick children attending


Order your Tickets


Show ticket on your phone

Tickets next available in 2023!

Event in partnership with


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