Growing Book
New Winchburgh Publication
Are you ready for another Adventure? Something to do in lockdown?
We are going to write a community book of our growing adventures and we need your stories to make it happen.
The suggested draft working title is “Conversations over the garden fence”
Get your creative juices growing...
Sections on vegetables, fruit, flowers, trees, bugs, window boxes, houseplants, recycling containers, challenges, children's experiences, growing of past, present future ideas of growing are all content we'd like to capture!
You can submit your story/experiences simply by completing the form below!
Please also attach any photographs or illustrations you have to go with each story piece.
Let's do it!
So, in your own words please tell us about what you have learned, from whom, the fun, the frustrations and what your growing aspirations are for the future in Winchburgh.
Give your story a title, stories should be no more than 300 words, however you can submit more than one story.
The deadline for submissions is 30th of April 2021 - Once you submit your story, you can always pop back and add a new one!
The submissions will then update an excel document to be reviewed in future by a small editorial group...
If you would like to be part of this group please check the box when submitting your story.
We will be recruiting someone to design and draft the text to make ready for printing.
Your stories are important to this movement and will be an important record of this community and growing together.
Happy writing!
Thank you for submitting your story!
It will be reviewed by the team and we will contact you by email for more information. If you would like to help edit we will also be in touch!
Please spread the word!
If you have any questions please contact -