Please see update from Becky, Open Spaces Officer, West Lothian Council
Covid-19 Update for West Lothian Parks, Children's Play Parks and Allotments
Our parks can be used for exercise as long as the guidance on social distancing is adhered to. See below for details. Please avoid, where possible, touching potentially contaminated surfaces in parks including play equipment, gym equipment, park furniture, handrails and signage etc.
Play Parks and Outdoor Gyms
It is very important that there is no use of children's play parks and outdoor gyms. Children's play areas and outdoor gyms are closed until further notice. Please do not gather at benches, picnic tables or anywhere else. Public gatherings of more than two people who do not live together have been banned.
If your allotment site is open and you visit your allotment as your daily exercise, you must adhere to the guidance on social distancing and hygiene. Handwashing is especially important before and after touching shared surfaces such as gates and taps. Shared indoor spaces on allotment sites should not be used, to minimise the risk of virus transmission.
The Scottish Government has published the following statement on allotment sites during the COVID-19 outbreak:
Decisions on whether or not to keep allotment sites open during the COVID-19 outbreak are currently a matter for local authorities and other allotment owners. Those wishing to access allotments should note that the Scottish Government has instructed people to stay at home. The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations 2020 prohibit any person from leaving the place they are living without a reasonable excuse, and ban public gatherings of more than two people. People over the age of 70 are advised to self-isolate.
Scottish Government advice regarding COVID-19 can be accessed via the following links: